Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No more visitors...

As much as we love and appreciate all the support Brian is receiving from friends, we are sorry to say no more friend visitors until the weekend. He is starting to get agitated and upset. We don't want to exclude or offend anyone but we will always do what is best for Brian. PLEASE remember that his brain has suffered severe trauma and be quiet and calm when you do visit. I will post when visits can resume.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kelley family, This is President and Sister Barry from the Florida Jacksonville Mission. We love Elder Kelley!! In the 2 months that we knew him the impact he had on us and the mission was amazing. We are praying for Elder Kelley, that his body will mend. We are praying for you - that you will feel peace and support from the Spirit and that your needs will be met. We have asked all the missionaries to pray also.
    On a personal note, we understand head injuries. One of our daughters had a skull fracture and brain trauma but it wasn't as bad as Brian's. We had to postpone visitors also. When she became concious she would pull the covers over her head and not talk to people when they came because she couldn't handle the stimulation. We will continue to pray. Know there is support and love from the Florida Jacksonville Mission. May God bless you all, President and Sister Barry
