There are a few words that we keep using over and over that are not in a persons typical vocabulary so I am going to define words here, if I miss one let me know and I will add it to the list!
Posturing: This is when Brian stretches his arms straight down really hard. Sometimes he includes his shoulders in this motion. This is a good motion to be seeing.
Curling: This is when Brian curls his arms up, like a bicep curl. This is even better than posturing.
CT Scan: This is an x-ray scan that takes multiple cross-sectional pictures, this allows the doctors to manipulate them in different ways so that they can get a better overall view of the situation happening in Brian's brain and body.
Hematocrit Levels: This is a measurement of the total volume of red blood cells (RBC) in Brian's blood. Brian's is normally around 45%.
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