Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Questions and Answers

Here are some questions I have gotten today that I will answer for everyone since I am sure more than one person is wondering.

What hospital is Brian at?
     Provo IHC in the ICU. If you go to the main building, it is on the second floor. There is a sign that says "Brain Shock and Trauma" or something like that. You need a pass code to get in so just find a family member when you get there. If he moves, I will post about it.

Can friends visit him?
     Sure thing, but only 2 at a time for about 5 minutes. If  you could try and come between 2pm and 6pm that would be awesome for the family so they can have a time frame. It is a short time because his room needs to be kept pretty quiet and calm. His brain doesn't need extra stimulation, that could increase blood flow/pressure and increase swelling.

How coherent has Brian been?
     He has been moving his arms and he can probably hear us but he isn't coherent at all. He was sedated for his surgery but for now he is just on pain killers so they can monitor his brain. He probably won't be coherent for a while, we will know more in the next 4-5 days.

1 comment:

  1. Iwas so sorry to hear about Brian I live in Kathy's stake. And I know what she is going through. Our son about a year after coming home from his mission was in a terrible car accident.
    It left him paralyzed. We didn't know if he had brain damage until a few days after the accident when he acted like he wanted to write to us. they
    had to put chest tubes in because he was internally bleeding. He works for and has been for quite a while. And last July he was able to get married to the sweetest girl
    our prayers go out to all of you daily and if there is anything i can do let me know. I follow his blog every day. Faye
